The “bizarre” ban – a response to the draft Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Atomic Reporters’ Tariq Rauf provides some preliminary comments on the first draft of a Convention on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons that is under negotiation at the United Nations in New York — these negotiations will continue from 15 June–7 July 2017 age.treatments for ED add to the overall cardiovascular viagra kaufen. erections. viagra generic factors. It… Read More The “bizarre” ban – a response to the draft Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Peaceful Uses NPT PrepCom Day Seven

by Tariq Rauf VIENNA, 10 May 2017: Atomic bombs and associated nuclear materials pose the greatest risk to humanity, not civilian nuclear facilities, or nuclear activities under IAEA full-scope safeguards, Brazil has warned the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Preparatory Committee (PrepCom). Only a small amount of the most sensitive nuclear material – highly-enriched uranium and… Read More Peaceful Uses NPT PrepCom Day Seven