The Dangers of Nuclear Weapons, Youth Video Project – 26th of September, UN Day

Today, September 26, the world is called upon to abolish nuclear weapons: nearly 14,000 of them at last count, and their stockpiles not getting any the less . Young people have a stake in addressing what happens to these devices of mass destruction. As long as war planners count on putting them to use they… Read More The Dangers of Nuclear Weapons, Youth Video Project – 26th of September, UN Day

International Day Against Nuclear Tests: 75 Years After the First (“Trinity”) Nuclear Test

‘Stronger than Death’ monument in Semey erected in 2001 in memory of the victims of nuclear testing at Semipalatinsk . Photo: Tariq Rauf. By Tariq Rauf ¹ VIENNA: 29 August 2020: On 16th July 1945, the first nuclear explosive device was detonated at the Alamogordo Test Range in the New Mexico desert in the United… Read More International Day Against Nuclear Tests: 75 Years After the First (“Trinity”) Nuclear Test