Engagement First: Why Some Koreans See Peacemaking and Peacebuilding as the Solution to North Korea

BY JOHN DALE GROVER Engagers believe that Pyongyang is acting defensively and that inter-Korean relations must be completely transformed. Inter-Korean Relations Must Be Improved Dr. Chung-in Moon the special advisor for unification, diplomacy, and national security affairs to South Korean President Moon Jae-in and one of the chief proponents of talking with North Korea. When… Read More Engagement First: Why Some Koreans See Peacemaking and Peacebuilding as the Solution to North Korea

How South Korea’s Politics and Military Impacts Strategic Stability With North Korea

BY JOHN DALE GROVER Seoul’s elites are divided over how Pyongyang perceives South Korean intentions and capabilities. Will they ever agree on how to deter and engage the North? North Korea loves to complain. Pyongyang does this to gain attention and to distract the world from its nuclear weapons and threats. However, North Korea also… Read More How South Korea’s Politics and Military Impacts Strategic Stability With North Korea