Citizen Journalist Armine Gevorgyan interviews researcher Peter Labak about seismic monitoring

CTBTO Science and Technology Conference coverage 2021

CYG Citizen Journalist Armine Gevorgyan interviews researcher Peter Labak about seismic monitoring and his work for the nuclear watchdog Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), following the organization’s Science and Technology Conference 2021

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. tests, following the CTBTO’s Science and Technology Conference 2021.

The CTBTO Youth Group (CYG) is over 1,000 members strong, and works to promote the entry into force of the CTBT, which would ban nuclear explosions everywhere.

During the Science and Technology conference, members of the Youth Group were able to meet virtually with scientists and diplomats from all over the world, listen to their expertise, and interview them as citizen journalists under the guidance of Atomic Reporters for the Citizen Journalism Academy.

To find out more, visit the Atomic Reporters website: #nuclear #CTBTO


Video by Armine Gevorgyan