New START – the next steps

Multilateral Dialogue KAS Vienna and Atomic Reporters

Wednesday, 23 June 2021 | 18:00 – 19:30 CEST / 09:00 – 10:30 PST / 19:00 – 20:30 MSK

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The Multilateral Dialogue of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Vienna, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to an online discussion about the New START – The Next Steps on the future of nuclear arms control between the Russian Federation and the United States. The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) was signed 8 April 2010, in Prague and entered into force on 5 February 2011. On 3 February 2021, the two sides agreed to extend New START by five years, as allowed by the Treaty, until 5 February 2026. New START limits each side to 1,550 accountable nuclear warheads and 700 deployed (along with 100 non-deployed) strategic nuclear delivery vehicles (ballistic missiles and heavy bombers), and has a framework of intrusive on-site inspections. There are various proposals for the next steps, such as, bringing in China, counting all types of nuclear warheads and delivery systems, limits on missile defences, among others.


Rose Gotemoeller was Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, and as Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance (2009–2010) was the Chief US Negotiator of the New START; and was Deputy Secretary General of NATO (2016–2019). Currently, she is a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution and also serves as the Frank E. and Arthur W. Payne Distinguished Lecturer at Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and its Centre for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC). Rose Gotemoeller has just published her book entitled, Negotiating the New START Treaty.

Alexei G. Arbatov is a former elected Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Deputy Chairman of the Defence Committee of the State Duma; former Head of the Commission for Defence, Security and Ratification of International Treaties; and was a member of the Russian Delegation for the START I negotiations in 1990. Currently, Dr. Arbatov is Director of the Centre for International Security at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) in Moscow. He is a full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Member of the Research Council of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and of the Russian Council for Foreign and Defence Policy.

Susanne Baumann is the Commissioner and Head of the German Federal Foreign Office’s Directorate-General for International Order, the United Nations and Arms Control. Ambassador Baumann’s previous assignments include: Deputy Federal Government Commissioner for Disarmament and Arms Control; Head of the Division for Security and Disarmament Policy; Bilateral Relations with the USA, Canada, as well as North, West and South Europe and Turkey at the Federal Chancellery; and Political Advisor to the Director, Joint Commitments Staff, Federal Ministry of Defence, Parliament and Cabinet Division.


Tariq Rauf is on the Board of Directors of Atomic Reporters; he is former Head of Verification & Security Policy Coordination, Alternate Head of the NPT Delegation, International Atomic Energy Agency; and was a member of the Eminent Persons Group for Substantive Progress on Nuclear Disarmament convened by the Foreign Minister of Japan.

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