Now we are five

1,000 strong the CYG has grown from a mere six members in 2016

The CTBTO Youth Group (CYG) was launched in Vienna in 2016 at the symposium on ‘Science and Diplomacy for Peace and Security: the CTBTO@20’, held 25 January – 4 February, with the goal of encouraging young women and men to support the test ban treaty and its entry into force . Initially there were six members.

Five years later on its anniversary its membership has soared to 1,000.

Here’s a comment from CYG member Syed Muhammad Ayub Shah in Pakistan:

“The CTBTO Youth Group was a wonderful initiative. This participatory approach enabled the future dwellers of this planet to decide its fate. For sure, all of us unanimously, decided to go Nuclear Free. We all shall work more and more to ensure attainment of peace. For this planet can only thrive, if lasting peace prevails . This planet belongs to humans and the mother nature is pro human prosperity

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. Let us all, unanimously give a call to the fellow humans to rise and end both nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction, once and for all.”